Winnipeg Peace Gathering: Bridges for Peace 2016

September 25th- September 27th

Join us to Co-create a shared vision and draft action plan for a peace movement that unites Rotarians, Rotary Peace Fellows, leaders, individuals, and communities.

Register Here!

Who:    This gathering is meant for individuals (such as Rotarian leaders/chairs; Rotary Peace Fellows; government/ civil society representatives; UN representatives / NGOs/ other service clubs, etc.) who are serious about guiding Rotary to peace and would like to help define a goal and vision for the Peace Area of Focus.

When:  September 25th– 27th, 2016
Optional: September 11-24th is the Winnipeg Peace Days and 91st Peace and Goodwill Weekend
Optional September 28 – Free and open to the public at 1:30 pm there is a speech by Oscar Arias (Nobel Peace Prize Winner) at the University of Manitoba (for more information, see )
Optional Sept 29 to Oct 1 Rotary Joint Zone 24-32 Institute (for those participating at the Zone level) (see ) — Eligibility limited to Rotarians and guests as stipulated in website.

Where: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
September 25-26: Canadian Museum for Human Rights
September 27(1/2 day): Circle of Life “Thunderbird House”

How: Open Space Technology will be utilized for the gathering format and will be facilitated by Richard Schultz. Click here to learn more about Open Space Technology.


  label_blue_newTopics proposed for Breakout Sessions: Participants who will be proposing topics for the Breakout Sessions      (in Winnipeg or Virtually) are invited to submit a background paper on their suggested topic, so that it is available for those Participants who would like to do some pre-reading before the Conference.  Please click HERE for topics submitted to date.


it_photo_119959Virtual Conference: As many people will know, we have been working on hosting a Virtual Bridges For Peace      Conference concurrent with the In-Person Conference in Winnipeg.  Early indications were that it would be more advantageous to hold the Virtual Conference after the In-Person Conference so that we could focus on the In-Person Conference, allow more time to market the virtual conference and get more involved, use the in-person conference to build energy for the virtual conference and allow the in-person participants to then attend both, use the results of the in-person conference to inform the design and content of the virtual conference, and to use the virtual conference to “keep the energy going” that is created at the in-person conference, and in preparation for the June 2017 RI Convention in Atlanta. We will decide on the timing of the Virtual Conference following the input we receive through the In-person Conference.  You are also invited to give us your thoughts.  We would like to host the Virtual Conference as soon as possible, and it could take place before the Holiday Season.  We will let you know when we announce the new dates of the Virtual Conference.

Abridged Agenda: 

Sunday, September 25th

8 am gather at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights 

8:30 am welcome

9-12 pm conference commences

12 – 1 pm break for lunch

1 – 5 pm conference commences

Monday, September 26th

8:00 am People are arriving in the space, having a morning coffee, and greeting.

8:30 am Morning Reporting by Participants

9:00 am Break Outs to continue

12:00 noon Lunch

1:00 pm Break Outs to continue

4:00 pm Evening Reporting by Participants

5:00 pm Wrap up the day.

Tuesday September 27, 2016

8:30 am People are arriving in the space, having a morning coffee, and greeting.

9:00 am Morning Reporting by Participants

9:30 am Convergence

10:30 am Break Outs to continue on Top 3 to 5 Recommended Actions

12:00 noon Concluding Our Gathering, including Participants Reporting

NEW!  Watch and share our updated “Peace Is…Rotary” Video now! 


View and share the invitation letter for the Winnipeg Bridges for Peace 2016 Gathering

See an overview of the gathering below       :      See abridged version of FAQ by clicking here

For any questions regarding the event please contact Robert Stewart @ [email protected]

Register Here!

Contributing Sponsors:logo
For sponsorship information or opportunities, please contact Robert Stewart at [email protected]  or Al Jubitz at [email protected]