Mexican youth to action local plans for peace nationwide

July 10, 2029, by Institute for Economics and Peace, Published in

Following the most violent year on record in Mexico, the second national Positive Peace workshop united 150 young peacebuilders in Hidalgo. The aim of the program was to provide both a deep knowledge of peace cycles as well as the skills required to make change within the local system to create and sustain systemic peacefulness. Many participants highlighted their acute awareness for daily acts of normalised violence. While the headline figures about organised crime and trafficking may seem intangible to grassroots peacebuilders, shifting consciousness to micro-violence observed daily offers a new framework for action. Read More

Rotary World Peace Conference 2020

July 9, 2019, Published in Rotary World Peace Conference 2020

The mission of the  World Peace Conference 2020 is to bring together experts with solutions to major issues that are occurring in our personal lives, homes, schools, businesses, and communities, not just in Southern California, but, also, around the world. We are inviting leaders from health care, academia, government, public safety, religions, business, and communities to meet together to share the solutions presented by experts. The format will allow for action plans to be developed such that real and measurable actions can be undertaken when attendees return home. In addition, the conference will showcase learnings and positive change that have occurred in the four years, since the Rotary World Peace Conference 2016.

Rotarian Action Group for Peace founders strive for global harmony

April 24, 2019, Published in Rotary International

Since its creation in November 2012, the Rotarian Action Group for Peace has helped Rotary advance the cause of global harmony. Six-plus years later, Al Jubitz and Dennis Wong, two of the group’s founders, talked with senior editor Geoffrey Johnson about the group’s goals, its Peacebuilder Clubs and other peace tools, and how the RAG for Peace had its genesis in a Rotarian article.

Turning teens away from crime

By Ryan Hyland, Produced by Andrew Chudzinski, April 9, 2019, Published in Rotary International

Akeem Stephenson wanted to go to jail. He believed it was the only way he could free himself from a life of crime — a life he desperately wanted to change. After being arrested for a fourth time more than 10 years ago, for aggravated robbery, the teenager in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was set to go to prison. But the judge saw something in Stephenson that suggested that he could redeem himself. So he gave Stephenson a choice: participate in an 18-month youth program, or serve the six-month sentence. For Stephenson, the choice was clear. He decided to transform his life through the PACT Urban Peace Program.

Rotarians Elevate 2018 International Day of Peace Celebrations

By Rotarian Action Group For Peace

It's Peace Day 2018. The United Nations General Assembly unanimously approved a resolution in 1981 (sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica) that created the very first International Day of Peace. Global communities increasingly embraced the UN's idea of greeting neighbors, welcoming strangers and creating a more peaceful world, annually, on September 21st, or World Peace Day.

RI District 5300 Announces Garbis Peace Institute Peacebuilding Conference

July 27, 2018

Rotary Highlights RI Toronto Fellowship Events

By Rotary Service and Engagement, Published in Rotary International Rotary offers endless opportunities to connect with others who share similar passions within your club and district. Every year, many Rotary Fellowships meet at the Rotary International Convention to reconnect with old friends a make new ones while participating in an activity or exploring a shared interest! If you are attending the 2018 Toronto Convention, be sure to visit the House of Friendship to network with these groups. Visit RAGFP in the House of Friendship booth 317. Download the Convention Events and Booth Exhibit Guide to find Rotary Fellowships that share your interests and expertise.